16 April 2020

Amer Stays Fit At Home

Baser Amer
Everyone in the Philippines right now are staying at home. Even athletes are not spared from the community quarantine being enforced in most cities and provinces in the country. Understandably, this is not a welcome option for them because because athletes have active lifestyle outdoors.

However, like everyone else, the players of the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) have to make do with what they have in their homes to still keep their bodies and health in tip top shape.

Take the case of promising pointguard Baser Amer of the Meralco Bolts, who is currently on his fifth year in the league. The player from Davao said he keeps a daily schedule while at home.

"It works for me when I work out in the morning so I do that before lunch time," he said.

Being on a strict diet, according to him, is not practical at this time. "I try to hydrate as much as I can, drink vitamins. I just try to sweat it out during workouts," he said, adding that he is currently doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout and some light weights.

He added, "It’s the one that works with our few equipment. Also, I highly recommend bodyweight exercises - no equipment needed."

The former Holy Child College of Davao Red Eagles player, who has also played for Gilas Pilipinas team in past Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, shared his 18 March Workout of the Day (WOD) 300 repetition challenge.

These includes: 15 jog in place, 15 pulse squats, 30 lunges (15 per side), 15 jump squats, 15 burpees, 15 Glute Bridges, 30 donkey kicks (15 per side), 30 high knees, 15 sumo squats, 30 side lunges (15 per side), 30 mountain climbers (15 per side), 30 single-leg glute bridge (15 per side), 30 jumping jacks, 15 push-ups, 15 commandos, 15 plank jacks, 30 shoulder taps (15 each side), 15 caterpillar walk, 10 punches (five each side) then repeat the routine for three times.

Amer, who owns fitness gyms in Luzon, also suggested an easier body exercise routine compose of 20 straight leg raise, 20 mountain climbers, 20 jumping jacks, 20 plank jacks and 20 ab bikes.

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